Elephants in the Room

Software Development & Data Analytics Internships


Are you someone who wants to be in the driver’s seat? Be the master builder of our company’s software platform and build a new experience for every user and every colleague from the ground up. Driving our client organization’s complex dynamic communication towards one that is smooth and responsive.

Does this sound like a challenge you want to take on? Great, because that’s exactly what we’re looking for!

1. Combination of Django and React web development

You'll have the opportunity to build production level web application while integrating our human interaction algorithms. This can be purely back-end development, front-end development, or a combination.

Project Duration: 5-9 Months

2. Develop Social Network Analysis web apps and algorithms

Work on our software and algorithms to optimize how well individuals, teams and departments work with each other. Validate your Web app and algorithms with our customers.

Project Duration: 5-9 Months

3. Developing a Natural Language Processing algorithm for automating cross-company feedback processing

Create an automated algorithm to process feedback texts while also bucketing them into tag categories. Extend the algorithm accuracy using machine learning. Build this into a ReactJS and Django prototype. Validate your algorithm and Web app prototype with (on-site) customer testing.​

Project Duration: 5-9 Months

4. Combination of UX/UI and React development

Create a more intuitive and engaging design and develop our software platform's intake, survey and dashboards pages. This internship can be a combination of UX/UI Design and React programming.

Project Duration: 5-9 Months

Join the change we’re creating together!

Read more about our three values of working at Elephants in the Room